Creating Sustainable Print Designs: Best Practices and Techniques

Why Sustainable Print Design Matters

Climate crisis and graphic design impact - sustainable print design

Sustainable print design is more than just a trend; it's a necessity in today's world. As the climate crisis intensifies, every industry must rethink its impact, including graphic design.

Here's a quick answer for what is sustainable print design:

  • Uses eco-friendly materials: like recycled paper and soy-based inks

  • Minimizes energy consumption: by choosing sustainable printing processes

  • Reduces waste: less unnecessary printing and realistic print runs

  • Chooses green suppliers and printers: adhere to certifications like FSC and ISO 14001

Our planet faces severe challenges due to rising temperatures, extreme weather, and decreasing biodiversity. The graphic design industry isn't exempt from this crisis. We produce print materials that use up energy, emit greenhouse gases, and often end up in landfills.

Imagine if each design choice we made contributed to a healthier planet instead of harming it.

I'm Greg Barber. My journey into sustainable print design started in 1990, driven by the urgent need to reduce the waste I saw in traditional printing. From using recycled paper to soy-based inks, I've dedicated my career to making print design as eco-friendly as possible.

Understanding Sustainable Print Design

Sustainable print design is all about creating print materials in a way that minimizes environmental impact. This means using eco-friendly materials, reducing energy consumption, and making smart design choices. Let's break it down:


Sustainable print design refers to the practice of creating printed materials with the least possible negative impact on the environment. This involves everything from the selection of materials to the printing process itself. It's about making intentional choices that benefit the planet.


There are several key principles to keep in mind:

  • Use Recycled and Eco-Friendly Materials: Opt for recycled paper and soy-based inks.

  • Minimize Waste: Print only what's necessary and use designs that require less ink.

  • Energy Efficiency: Choose printing processes and equipment that consume less energy.

  • Sustainable Sourcing: Work with suppliers who adhere to environmental standards like FSC and ISO 14001.

Eco-Friendly Materials

Choosing the right materials is crucial for sustainable print design. Here are some options:

  • Recycled Paper: This reduces the need for virgin paper, conserving forests and reducing energy consumption.

  • Soy-Based Inks: These inks are less harmful to the environment compared to traditional petroleum-based inks. They produce vibrant colors and are easier to recycle.

  • Water-Based Inks: Another eco-friendly option, these inks are free from harmful chemicals.

  • Non-Wood Paper: Made from alternative fibers like bamboo or hemp, non-wood paper is a sustainable choice.

Eco-friendly materials - sustainable print design

Economic Viability

One common misconception is that sustainable print design is always more expensive. While some eco-friendly materials and processes can have higher upfront costs, they often save money in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Reduced Waste: Printing only what you need saves money on materials and reduces waste disposal costs.

  • Energy Savings: Efficient printing processes and equipment consume less energy, lowering utility bills.

  • Improved Brand Image: Consumers are increasingly favoring brands that are committed to sustainability, potentially boosting sales and customer loyalty.

A study by SAP found that integrating sustainability into the design phase can significantly reduce costs and improve a company’s reputation. For instance, HP uses 3D printing technology to create fully recyclable products, showcasing how innovation can drive both sustainability and economic benefits.

By embracing sustainable print design, you’re not only helping the planet but also making a smart business decision. Your choices can lead to cost savings, improved brand reputation, and a healthier planet.

Economic benefits of sustainable print design - sustainable print design infographic 3_facts_emoji_grey

Next, we'll dig into the key materials for sustainable print design, exploring more about recycled paper, soy-based inks, and other eco-friendly options.

Key Materials for Sustainable Print Design

Choosing the right materials is crucial for sustainable print design. Let's explore some of the best options:

Recycled Paper

Recycled paper is a cornerstone of sustainable print design. It reduces the demand for virgin paper, conserving forests and cutting down on energy consumption. According to WWF, the best options are papers made from 100% Recycled Post Consumer Waste (PCW). This means they are entirely made from materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.

Types of Recycled Paper:

  • Unbleached or Processed Chlorine Free (PCF): These papers are bleached using chlorine-free compounds, reducing harmful chemical use.

  • Totally Chlorine Free (TCF): Used for non-recycled papers, TCF papers are bleached with less harmful hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine.

Non-Wood Paper

Non-wood paper, made from agricultural fibers like wheat straw or hemp, is another excellent choice. Re-nourish recommends these papers as they offer sustainable alternatives to traditional wood-based paper.

FSC and PEFC Certification

Choosing papers certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) ensures they come from responsibly managed forests.

FSC Certifications:

  • FSC Recycled: 100% recycled materials.

  • FSC 100%: Sourced entirely from FSC-certified forests.

  • FSC Mix: A mix of FSC-certified, recycled, or controlled wood.

PEFC also offers high standards for forest management. Papers with both FSC and PEFC certifications are ideal for sustainable print design.

Soy-Based Inks

Soy-based inks are a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based inks. They emit significantly lower levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), making them less harmful to the environment. According to Eco Friendly Printer, soy-based inks produce rich, vibrant colors and are easier to recycle.

Water-Based Inks

Water-based inks are another sustainable option. They are free from harmful chemicals and are easier to de-ink during the recycling process. This makes them a safer choice for both the environment and human health.

Real-World Examples

HP's Sustainable Impact Overview: HP uses 3D printing technology to create fully recyclable products. This innovation shows how sustainable materials can be integrated into the design phase to drive both sustainability and economic benefits.

Marimekko's Collaboration with Spinnova: Marimekko, a Finnish design company, partnered with Spinnova to create fabrics from wood-based fibers. This process uses 99% less water than cotton production and avoids harmful chemicals, showcasing a significant step towards sustainable materials in fashion.

By incorporating these eco-friendly materials into your print designs, you contribute to a healthier planet and demonstrate your commitment to responsible practices.

Choosing the right materials for sustainable print design can significantly reduce environmental impact - sustainable print design infographic 4_facts_emoji_light-gradient

Next, we'll explore the sustainable printing processes that can further minimize your environmental footprint.

Sustainable Printing Processes

When it comes to sustainable print design, the printing process itself plays a crucial role. Let's explore some key techniques and practices.

Digital vs. Litho Printing

Choosing between digital and litho (offset) printing often depends on the size of your print run.

Digital Printing:

  • Best for small runs due to its lower setup costs.

  • Environmentally friendly with low waste, minimal solvent use, and water-based inks.

  • Recyclable but with some concerns about the de-inking process.

Litho Printing:

  • Ideal for large runs where economies of scale come into play.

  • Vegetable-based inks are a great sustainable choice.

  • Less waste on larger print jobs compared to digital.

Vegetable-Based Inks

Vegetable-based inks, like those made from soy, are a greener alternative to traditional petroleum-based inks. They:

  • Emit fewer VOCs, reducing air pollution.

  • Provide vibrant colors and are easier to de-ink during recycling.

  • Are used by printers like Eco Friendly Printer, who focus on sustainability.

Low Ink Coverage

Reducing ink coverage on each page can save materials and energy. It also makes recycling easier. Designing with:

  • Minimalist aesthetics can help achieve this.

  • Eco-friendly fonts like Ryman Eco, which use less ink.

No Heavy Metals

Avoid inks with heavy metals, commonly found in fluorescent and metallic inks. They:

  • Pose recycling challenges.

  • Are harmful to the environment.

Instead, opt for:

  • Standard vegetable-based inks.

  • Aqueous coatings instead of varnishes or laminates.

No Varnishes/Laminates

Re-nourish and WWF recommend avoiding varnishes, laminates, and UV coatings. These materials:

  • Complicate recycling.

  • Add unnecessary waste.

Blind Embossing

Blind embossing or debossing is a great way to add texture without additional materials. It:

  • Avoids extra chemicals.

  • Uses a metal plate but no inks or coatings.

PUR Binding

When binding is necessary, PUR (Polyurethane Reactive) binding is a strong and eco-friendly option. It:

  • Uses 70% less adhesive than standard perfect binding.

  • Is durable, reducing the need for reprints.

Other Binding Options:

  • Saddle stitching: Uses steel staples that are easily removable during recycling.

  • Thread-sewn bindings: Glue-free but can be costly and may require transport to another facility.

By implementing these sustainable printing processes, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact. Next, we'll look at how to choose the right printer to further improve your sustainability efforts.

Choosing the Right Printer

Selecting the right printer is crucial for sustainable print design. Here’s what to look for:

ISO 14001 Certification

Your printer should be ISO 14001 certified. This certification:

  • Ensures they follow a globally recognized Environmental Management System.

  • Means they are committed to reducing their environmental footprint.

  • Helps them comply with legal requirements and achieve their eco-goals.

FSC Chain of Custody

Look for printers with FSC Chain of Custody certification. This guarantees:

  • Responsible sourcing of forest-based materials.

  • Verification that the paper used meets rigorous standards.

  • Support for sustainable forestry practices.

B Corporation Status

Printers with B Corporation status are committed to:

  • High standards of social and environmental performance.

  • Transparency and accountability.

  • Sustainability in all aspects of their business.

Planet Mark

A printer with the Planet Mark:

  • Measures and reduces carbon emissions.

  • Demonstrates a commitment to sustainability progress.

  • Contributes to social and governance criteria.

Carbon Balanced Mark

Printers displaying the Carbon Balanced mark:

  • Offset their carbon footprint through projects by the World Land Trust.

  • Support ecosystem protection and restoration.

  • Help prevent deforestation and preserve biodiversity.

Local Printers

Choosing a local printer can:

  • Reduce transportation emissions.

  • Allow you to check work on press easily.

  • Support local businesses and the community.

Here's a list of some UK-based, sustainable printers:

  • Eco Friendly Printer: Our own services are ISO 14001 and FSC certified, ensuring top-notch sustainable printing.

By choosing a printer with these certifications and qualities, you can significantly improve the sustainability of your print designs. Next, we’ll explore best practices for sustainable print design.

Best Practices for Sustainable Print Design

Creating sustainable print designs involves more than just choosing the right materials and processes. Here are key practices to ensure your designs are as eco-friendly as possible:

Client Selection

Work with clients who share your commitment to sustainability. This ensures:

  • Alignment of values and goals.

  • Support for eco-friendly projects.

  • Easier collaboration on sustainable initiatives.

Studio Carbon Footprint

Minimize your studio's carbon footprint by:

  • Using energy-efficient appliances and lighting.

  • Reducing waste through recycling and composting.

  • Encouraging remote work to cut down on commuting emissions.

Renewable Energy

Power your studio with renewable energy sources like:

  • Solar panels.

  • Wind turbines.

  • Green energy suppliers.

This reduces your reliance on fossil fuels and lowers your overall carbon emissions.

Green Servers

Host your digital assets on green servers. These servers:

  • Use renewable energy.

  • Optimize energy efficiency.

  • Have lower environmental impacts compared to traditional servers.

Minimal Energy Use

Design with minimal energy use in mind:

  • Optimize file sizes for faster loading times.

  • Use efficient coding practices for digital designs.

  • Turn off equipment when not in use.

Realistic Print Runs

Print only what you need. This helps to:

  • Reduce waste.

  • Save resources.

  • Cut costs.

Use updated mailing lists and realistic projections to avoid excess prints.

Updated Mailing Lists

Keep your mailing lists current to:

  • Avoid sending materials to outdated addresses.

  • Reduce waste.

  • Ensure your materials reach the intended audience.

By following these best practices, you can create print designs that are not only beautiful and effective but also kind to the planet. Next, we’ll dive into sustainable print design techniques.

Sustainable Print Design Techniques

Creating sustainable print designs isn't just about using eco-friendly materials. It's also about smart design choices and innovative techniques. Here are some ways to make your designs more sustainable:

Minimal Design

Less is more. Minimal design means:

  • Fewer elements on the page.

  • Less ink used for printing.

  • Simpler layouts that are easier to recycle.

Eco-Friendly Fonts

Choose fonts that use less ink. Examples include:

  • Ecofont: Designed to reduce ink usage by up to 50%.

  • Ryman Eco: Uses 33% less ink compared to standard fonts.

  • Thin-lined fonts: Common fonts with thinner lines also help.

Sustainable Color Palettes

Opt for color choices that save ink and are gentle on the environment:

  • Classic Greens & Browns: Like sage green and beige.

  • Pastel Colors: Use less ink than vibrant options.

  • Neutral Colors: Stylish and efficient on recycled materials.

  • Monochromatic Palettes: Stick to one color family.

  • Soft Gradients: Use less ink than solid blocks.

  • Desaturated Colors: Require less ink than bold colors.

Visual Storytelling

Use powerful images to tell a story:

  • Human-centric visuals: Show people interacting with nature.

  • Impactful scenes: Like a beach cleanup or a thriving forest.

  • Emotional appeal: Images that make people care about sustainability.

Digital Alternatives

Go digital to save resources:

  • Convert materials: Brochures, flyers, and posters can be digital.

  • Online presentations: Use digital formats for client presentations.

  • Green hosting: Use servers powered by renewable energy.

QR Codes

Make it easy for your audience to go digital:

  • Generate QR codes: Link to your website or digital content.

  • Share widely: Use on social media, emails, and printed materials.

  • Reduce print volume: By directing people to online resources.

By incorporating these sustainable print design techniques, you can create effective, eco-friendly designs that make a positive impact.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sustainable Print Design

What is sustainable printing?

Sustainable printing aims to minimize environmental harm by reducing waste, energy consumption, and the use of toxic chemicals. This approach involves:

  • Recycled Paper: Using paper made from recycled materials to prevent deforestation.

  • Water-Based Inks: These inks are less harmful to the environment compared to solvent-based inks.

  • Soy-Based Inks: Derived from soybeans, they are a renewable resource and decompose faster than petroleum-based inks.

What is the most environmentally friendly printing?

The most environmentally friendly printing methods include:

  • Vegetable Inks: Made from renewable resources like soy, these inks are non-toxic and easier to recycle.

  • High-Quality Images: Ensure that designs are sharp and clear, reducing the need for reprints.

  • Digital Printing: This method produces minimal waste and uses less energy compared to traditional printing techniques.

How to be sustainable in graphic design?

Being sustainable in graphic design involves a combination of resource-efficient practices and mindful material choices:

  • Efficient Resource Use: Design with fewer elements to use less ink and paper.

  • Reduce Waste: Opt for minimalistic designs and avoid overprinting.

  • Recycled Paper: Always choose paper that has been recycled or sustainably sourced.

  • Compostable Packaging: Use packaging materials that can be composted to reduce landfill waste.

Incorporating these sustainable print design principles ensures that your work is not only beautiful but also kind to the planet.


At Eco Friendly Printer, we are committed to delivering high-quality prints while ensuring a minimal environmental impact. Our approach prioritizes the use of renewable energy, recycled paper, and soy-based inks.

High-Quality Prints: We believe that sustainability does not mean compromising on quality. Our prints are sharp, vibrant, and durable, meeting the highest standards of excellence.

Minimal Environmental Impact: Our printing processes are designed to reduce waste and energy consumption. We use recycled paper and soy-based inks to minimize our carbon footprint and avoid harmful chemicals.

Renewable Energy: Our facilities are powered by renewable energy sources, further reducing our environmental impact. By choosing us, you are supporting a greener future.

Recycled Paper: Using recycled paper helps prevent deforestation and reduces the amount of waste in landfills. Our paper options are both eco-friendly and high-quality, ensuring that your prints look great while being kind to the planet.

Soy-Based Inks: Derived from soybeans, these inks are a renewable resource and decompose faster than petroleum-based inks. They are also less harmful to the environment, making them a perfect choice for sustainable printing.

Join us in our mission to create beautiful, sustainable print designs. To learn more about our eco-friendly printing services, visit our Eco Friendly Printer page.

Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet, one print at a time.


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